Energy Matters, LLC. Blog

Lose 10 lbs. With A Better Gut Microbiome

Part 1: Diet & Environment Affect Gut Flora

Lose 10 lbs. With A Better Gut Microbiome <p> Part 1:   Diet & Environment Affect Gut Flora

Gut bacteria are at the center of human health and vitality.  Two major factors that affect your gut microbiome are your diet and your environment.   Many people report dropping 10 lbs. through rebalancing their microbiome. 

Detoxing Microplastics From Your Body

Detoxing Microplastics From Your Body

Microplastics are nicknamed the invisible invasion. Microscopic bits of plastic are now commonly found in food, water, and air. We're just beginning to understand the effects this contamination has on our bodies. And avoiding exposure isn't easy.  Energy Matters, LLC. shares six natural detox strategies.

Coffee Enema As Safe As We Once Thought?

Coffee Enema As Safe As We Once Thought?

For years, the coffee enema has been presented as a safe, natural method for detoxification and the elimination of many ailments.  However, the data is beginning to tell a very different tale, particularly for those who are vulnerable to heart strain or liver fatigue, or those who are caffeine-sensitive, or who suffer from chronic illness.


Sleep Deprivation Affects Everything!

Sleep Deprivation Affects Everything!

Are you getting enough sleep? Sleep is essential for your body and your brain, and not getting enough is a serious problem. The side effects of sleep deprivation can affect everything.

What Are Energetic Blockages?

What Are Energetic Blockages?

Do parts of yourself seem stuck due to past trauma, patterns, or emotions? Are you unable to progress or move forward? You may be experiencing an energetic blockage.

Mindful Eating To Satiety For Lasting Weight Loss

Mindful Eating To Satiety For Lasting Weight Loss

Eating for satiety avoids the extreme restrictions of most fad diets, empowering healthy lifestyle change. That means it is easier to lose or maintain weight. Instead of selecting foods based on caloric content, learn to consider what will make you feel full and energized while respecting natural hunger cues.

Is The Native American Mystery Bag The Secret To X-Factor Grace?

Is The Native American Mystery Bag The Secret To X-Factor Grace?

A Native American Mystery Bag is an ancient tool for personal empowerment. It holds spiritual medicine. Native Americans sometimes used their Mystery Bag to symbolically store confusing events or observations to process later. This practice may support the Reiki X-Factor of grace by allowing your journey to flow without resistance.

Taking A Break From EMF Radiation

Taking A Break From EMF Radiation

Are you feeling mentally or physically overwhelmed? You may be in need of an EMF detox. Just as you detox your body from unhealthy foods, toxins, or parasites, your body needs to detox from technology. EMF Radiation is everywhere in our digital society, and it can be hazardous to your health and energetic wellness.

Spending Time In Nature Reduces Stress!

Spending Time In Nature Reduces Stress!

Feeling stressed? The solution you need could be right outside—literally. A study recently published in Mind, a quarterly peer-reviewed journal, found that 95% of participants experienced mood improvements after spending time in nature. Energy Matters, LLC. explores how this works and why.

Is Black Pepper A Natural Blood Cleanser?

Is Black Pepper A Natural Blood Cleanser?

Your blood plays the important role of carrying vital oxygen and nutrients throughout your body. It nurtures cellular health while also eliminating waste and contaminates. Cleansing these toxins from your blood is essential to keeping your body healthy and preventing disease. There are many substances that encourage blood purification. One of our favorites is likely already in your kitchen cupboard— black pepper.

DIY Healing: Strategies For Calming Anxiety

DIY Healing: Strategies For Calming Anxiety

Anxiety may refer to a combination of worried thoughts and physical changes such as increased heart rate, upset stomach, shaking, tension, or insomnia. Stress, such as that caused by anxiety, can affect our energy and our health. Continuing our series of DIY Healing guides, this blog offers strategies for calming anxiety.

Attract The Life You Want With Positive Thinking

Attract The Life You Want With Positive Thinking

Every moment you are attracting energy from the universe as you set your intention for greatness or disappointment. You are what you create. There is a tremendous amount of research showing how we are writing our his-story as we go along. You design your destiny with what you create and attract. Learn how to attract the life you want through positive thinking.