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Lose 10 lbs. With A Better Gut Microbiome <p> Part 2:  Certain Gut Bacteria Linked To Weight Gain

Lose 10 lbs. With A Better Gut Microbiome

Part 2: Certain Gut Bacteria Linked To Weight Gain

Some gut bacteria are considered obesogenic because they extract more calories from the food you consume compared to other strains of bacteria.  By establishing the right balance of gut bacteria, you might easily lose 10 lbs. 

Lose 10 lbs. With A Better Gut Microbiome <p> Part 1:   Diet & Environment Affect Gut Flora

Lose 10 lbs. With A Better Gut Microbiome

Part 1: Diet & Environment Affect Gut Flora

Gut bacteria are at the center of human health and vitality.  Two major factors that affect your gut microbiome are your diet and your environment.   Many people report dropping 10 lbs. through rebalancing their microbiome. 

Could High Dose Vitamin C Cause PICC Line Failure?

Could High Dose Vitamin C Cause PICC Line Failure?

People are becoming more aware of the potential therapeutic effects of intravenous vitamin C.  It's one of the most widely used cancer treatments amongst complementary and alternative medicine practitioners. But could high dose Vitamin C compromise the structural integrity of PICC lines?

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