Energy Matters, LLC. Blog

Lose 10 lbs. With A Better Gut Microbiome

Part 1: Diet & Environment Affect Gut Flora

Lose 10 lbs. With A Better Gut Microbiome <p> Part 1:   Diet & Environment Affect Gut Flora

Gut bacteria are at the center of human health and vitality.  Two major factors that affect your gut microbiome are your diet and your environment.   Many people report dropping 10 lbs. through rebalancing their microbiome. 

Holistic Wellness Holiday Gift Guide

Holistic Wellness Holiday Gift Guide

Nurture health and wellness with this year's best holiday gift ideas. Give your friends and family something really special to cherish and remember for years to come. Find the perfect present for anyone on your list! Choose from sustainable and practical wellness items for home, beauty, or personal care.

Don’t Count Calories, Count Chemicals

Don’t Count Calories, Count Chemicals

Is weight gain a mechanism to protect you from chemicals in food products? When thinking about weight issues, you may be conditioned to mostly focus on the number of calories inside your food. Looking at the basic math, you gain weight if you consume more calories than you burn. But is it really that simple?

Mindful Eating To Satiety For Lasting Weight Loss

Mindful Eating To Satiety For Lasting Weight Loss

Eating for satiety avoids the extreme restrictions of most fad diets, empowering healthy lifestyle change. That means it is easier to lose or maintain weight. Instead of selecting foods based on caloric content, learn to consider what will make you feel full and energized while respecting natural hunger cues.

Healthy Products Sabotaged By Their Packaging?

Healthy Products Sabotaged By Their Packaging?

There’s a concerning trend seen in the new health and wellness products being brought on the marketplace. Many otherwise healthy products are being sabotaged by their own packaging. Learn the hidden dangers of aluminum cans, BPA coating, synthetic dyes, and other harmful chemicals.

What Happens When A Small Organic Company Is Bought Out?

What Happens When A Small Organic Company Is Bought Out?

We’re taking a closer look at what happens when a large corporation buys one of these small organic brands. How do the products start to change in terms of health and safety?

Who Is Your Parent?

Who Is Your Parent?

Many of the wholesome niche companies we trust and enjoy have been quietly bought out by huge corporations. Once small-scale, independent brands are now owned and operated by parent companies like General Mills, Perdue, or Coco-Cola. Find out how these deals could affect your health--and which brands are on our watch list.

Are Toxins Making You Gain Weight?

Are Toxins Making You Gain Weight?

Are you struggling with weight gain? We tend to think of weight gain as a function of eating too many calories or not getting enough exercise. While these are two big factors, they aren’t the only causes. One additional factor is the impact of toxins. These can trigger fat storage and fluid retention while also making it more difficult to lose that weight. Find out if toxins could be causing your weight gain.

Why We Love Bonafide Provisions’ Organic Soups

Why We Love Bonafide Provisions’ Organic Soups

Energy Matters, LLC. is shifting gears to focus on one brand that is doing everything right. Bonafide Provisions offers some of the healthiest and best tasting organic soups on the market. Made with high-quality organic bone broth, these soups are filled with wonderful nutrients and packed with flavor. Learn all the hidden benefits in this blog.

Tricked By Misleading Food Labels?

Tricked By Misleading Food Labels?

Misleading labels trick our eyes into thinking we are purchasing something safe. Manufacturers know how to use colors and buzz words to manipulate our perception of their products. What does “gluten-free” and “made with organic” or “all-natural" really mean? Here's what you should know to avoid being fooled.

Choosing Healthier Food Storage Containers

Choosing Healthier Food Storage Containers

Plastic has taken over our kitchens. It has become so prevalent that we often forget about the dangerous side effects. From plates and cups to storage containers and utensils, plastic offers affordability and convenience. But is it worth the risk to your health?

Benefits of Daily Bitters For Better Health

Benefits of Daily Bitters For Better Health

Though seemingly mysterious, bitters were once a common remedy. Modern research confirms that bitter-tasting herbs and vegetables still carry many health benefits—detoxifying the liver, stimulating digestion, balancing blood sugar, and even regulating hunger.