Choosing Healthier Food Storage Containers

“Plastic pollution is a threat to human life and human rights." - Fredrica Syren

Plastic has taken over our kitchens. It has become so prevalent that we often forget about the dangerous side effects. From plates and cups to storage containers and utensils, plastic offers affordability and convenience. But is it worth the risk to your health?

It is no secret that manmade BPAs and phthalates can be toxic. These chemicals leach from plastic containers—contaminating our food. This is especially dangerous if you reheat your leftovers in plastic, accelerating the off-gassing of toxins.

BPAs and phthalates are known hormone disruptors (PubMed, 2015). Hormones play a vital role in countless bodily processes. This means that by disrupting our hormones, plastics can have a significant impact on our health. The chemicals that leach from plasticware have been linked to a wide range of health issues. Amongst these is an increased risk of obesity, diabetes, cancer, and reproductive disorders.

PlBeautycounter- Cleaner Beauty, Natural Ingredientsastic isn’t just bad for our health; it is also harmful to the planet at large. According to the well-known risk consulting firm Verisk Maplecroft, the United States alone produces approximately 234 pounds of plastic waste per person every year. In 2015 more than 26 million tons of plastic was discarded into landfills (EPA). As this plastic waste breaks down it pollutes the soil, water, and air. Keep in mind that we depend on a clean environment to produce healthy, uncontaminated food.

So how can we protect our health and the planet without sacrificing convenience? The key is to choose plastic-free food storage containers. Though the initial cost may be higher compared to plastic, you’ll actually save money in the long run. These containers pay off bigger because they are sturdier, last longer, and safeguard your health.

Plastic Free Food Storage For Better HealthFor example, instead of purchasing plastic baggies every month, you could purchase a few canvas sandwich bags or stainless steel tins that can be reused for years. I also really love these glass food storage jars for leftovers. They are safer for reheating than plastic, and they look better too. Feel free to explore all the options available. From bamboo and cork to linen, wood and silicone, the market is full of eco-friendly, plastic-free food storage containers. Are you ready to make the switch? This small change can have a huge impact on your long-term health. 

For more personalized guidance on protecting or improving your health
schedule a phone consultation with Rose today.


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What To Remember:

Plastic food storage containers contaminate our food and disrupt our hormones.
This can lead to health problems like diabetes, reproductive dysfunction, cancer, and obesity.
Plastic also contaminates our air, water, and soil—creating a toxic cycle.
Protect your health by choosing plastic-free, ecofriendly food storage containers.


  1. Hoffman, Matthew. Pots, Pans, and Plastics: A Shopper's Guide to Food Safety. Retrieved from WebMD.Com.
  2. Levin, Heather. Dangers of Plastic Food Containers, Water Bottles, and Bisphenol A (BPA). Retrieved from
  3. Tyler, Alicia. (March, 2019). Your Plastic Is Showing. Retrieved from

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