Energy Matters, LLC. Blog

Lose 10 lbs. With A Better Gut Microbiome

Part 2: Certain Gut Bacteria Linked To Weight Gain

Lose 10 lbs. With A Better Gut Microbiome <p> Part 2:  Certain Gut Bacteria Linked To Weight Gain

Some gut bacteria are considered obesogenic because they extract more calories from the food you consume compared to other strains of bacteria.  By establishing the right balance of gut bacteria, you might easily lose 10 lbs. 

Lose 10 lbs. With A Better Gut Microbiome

Part 1: Diet & Environment Affect Gut Flora

Lose 10 lbs. With A Better Gut Microbiome <p> Part 1:   Diet & Environment Affect Gut Flora

Gut bacteria are at the center of human health and vitality.  Two major factors that affect your gut microbiome are your diet and your environment.   Many people report dropping 10 lbs. through rebalancing their microbiome. 

Could High Dose Vitamin C Cause PICC Line Failure?

Could High Dose Vitamin C Cause PICC Line Failure?

People are becoming more aware of the potential therapeutic effects of intravenous vitamin C.  It's one of the most widely used cancer treatments amongst complementary and alternative medicine practitioners. But could high dose Vitamin C compromise the structural integrity of PICC lines?

Medical Tests Affected by Lead in Paper Towels?

Medical Tests Affected by Lead in Paper Towels?

Imagine you're at the doctor's office for a lead test. You're instructed to wash your hands first. Oddly, though, you're told not to dry them with a paper towel. Instead you're instructed to air dry. Wonder why? This explanation might suprise you.

Detoxing Microplastics From Your Body

Detoxing Microplastics From Your Body

Microplastics are nicknamed the invisible invasion. Microscopic bits of plastic are now commonly found in food, water, and air. We're just beginning to understand the effects this contamination has on our bodies. And avoiding exposure isn't easy.  Energy Matters, LLC. shares six natural detox strategies.

Is Supermarket Meat Unnaturally Red?

Is Supermarket Meat Unnaturally Red?

Freshly butchered meat is usually a healthy shade of red, but as it reacts to the oxygen in the air, it naturally loses some of the hue, turning a shade of pinkish-brown first and then eventually grey. How is it that supermarket meat always looks so fresh and red, even days after being cut or ground?

Six Healing Benefits of Weighted Blankets

Six Healing Benefits of Weighted Blankets

Weighted blankets have become a trendy solution for anxiety and sleeplessness. Research confirms that their benefits go beyond the simple comfort of an ordinary quilt. In this blog, Energy Matters, LLC. explores six amazing ways a weighted blanket may encourage a greater sense of physical health and emotional wellness. 

Coffee Enema As Safe As We Once Thought?

Coffee Enema As Safe As We Once Thought?

For years, the coffee enema has been presented as a safe, natural method for detoxification and the elimination of many ailments.  However, the data is beginning to tell a very different tale, particularly for those who are vulnerable to heart strain or liver fatigue, or those who are caffeine-sensitive, or who suffer from chronic illness.


Lab-Grown Fake Chicken: Gross, Dangerous Or Both

Lab-Grown Fake Chicken: Gross, Dangerous Or Both

When you think of healthy, wholesome foods that nourish your body and support wellness, does your vision include foods grown in petri-dishes? A closer inspection shows several reasons why consumers should beware of cultured, lab-grown chicken, including concerns with heavy metals and rodent DNA contamination.

Easy Eco-Friendly Gift Wrapping Ideas

Easy Eco-Friendly Gift Wrapping Ideas

Americans spend an incredible 3.2 billion dollars on gift wrap every year. This is an immense amount of waste for just a few moments of enjoyment. These eco-friendly gift-wrapping ideas are far better for the environment, our wallets, and our long-term health. 

Holistic Wellness Holiday Gift Guide

Holistic Wellness Holiday Gift Guide

Nurture health and wellness with this year's best holiday gift ideas. Give your friends and family something really special to cherish and remember for years to come. Find the perfect present for anyone on your list! Choose from sustainable and practical wellness items for home, beauty, or personal care.

The Healing Power of Holiday Lights and Festivities

The Healing Power of Holiday Lights and Festivities

Does your heart jump with joy when you pass a twinkling light display in your neighborhood? Sources of joy are everywhere during the holiday season, and in seeking them more openly you may unlock the unexpected healing power of holiday lights and festivities. Where does this power come from?