Could High Dose Vitamin C Cause PICC Line Failure?

Could High Dose Vitamin C Cause PICC Line Failure?

People are becoming more aware of the potential therapeutic effects of intravenous high dose vitamin C.  Most noteworthy, it is one of the most widely used cancer treatments amongst complementary and alternative medicine practitioners.

This makes sense since vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant.  It is inexpensive and highly accessible.  Antioxidants neutralize free radicals and reduce oxidative stress. While research isn't definitively conclusive, it seems as though high-dose vitamin C administered intravenously might have potential to increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy and reduce some of the side effects.

Beyond cancer treatment, vitamin C is renowned for supporting the immune system, allowing us to fight off infections more effectively.  It also may have anti-inflammatory effects.  Inflammation is linked to many chronic diseases, so reducing inflammation may dramatically improve health and wellness.

Side Effects and Complications

While vitamin C is generally safe, some people do experience side effects from intravenous delivery such as dizziness, nausea, or headache, or skin flushing (   Some people also experience fluid overload. Because of this, it isn't best for people with a history of kidney stones or kidney disease.  Some have actually experienced kidney failure following this type of treatment.   

Furthermore, high dose vitamin C can cause iron to be readily absorbed.  This could benefit people with iron deficiency.   However for someone with hemochromatosis, which causes too much iron to be absorbed, this can create toxicity.

The Problem of PICC Line Failure

Could High Dose Vitamin C Cause PICC Line Failure?

High dose vitamin C is typically delivered through a PICC line.  It's not uncommon for these lines to fail. PICC lines fail for a variety of reasons.   For example, blockages can be caused by blood clots or insufficient flushing.  In comparing silicone or polyurethane PICC lines, those made of polyurethane are more likely to have issues involving blood clot or infection.

PICC lines are also prone to material failure. Improper placement or migration can also cause the line to kink or break. Other times the line breaks due to careless handling or line fatigue.  Of the two types of lines, silicone PICC lines are more susceptible to material failure.

Sometimes the cause of the material failure is unknown.   The frequency at which this happens has some people talking about another potential cause for the breakage.  Could high dose vitamin C compromise the structural integrity of the line?

There is little to no available research on the specific effects of vitamin C on PICC lines.  However, anecdotal evidence suggests that the highly acidic nature of vitamin C might contribute to weaking PICC lines to the point of failure. In many industries, a silicone line would be considered a poor choice for mediums with highly acidic or highly alkali properties. While silicone is considered resistant to mild acids, extended or concentrated exposure can degrade and weaken the material (Atlas Fibre).  The combination of high-volume, high pressure, and high acidity could be an overlooked recipe for disaster.

Protecting Your Health

If you are opting for intravenous high-dose vitamin C treatments, ask lots of questions and advocate for yourself.  Make sure your providers are carefully maintaining your line and monitoring it for any signs of breakage such as infection, leakage, or difficulty flushing.  While alternative treatments like vitamins are generally consider safer than synthetic medications, care still needs to be taken to protect your health and safety.

For personalized wellness, nutrition, or lifestyle guidance, consider booking a phone consultation with Rose today. Learn more about Rose Boghos here.  

What to Remember

High dose intravenous vitamin C may have dramatic health benefits, but it isn't the right choice for everyone.

In addition to side effects, PICC lines can fail, causing  complications.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that the high-dose vitamin C might play a role in weaking PICC lines to the point of failure.

Ask questions and advocate for yourself, whether seeking conventional, complementary, or alternative therapies.



 Mindful Quote:

"I learned a long time ago the wisest thing I can do is be on my own side, be an advocate for myself and others like me".  Maya Angelou


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