Lose 10 lbs. With A Better Gut Microbiome

Part 1: Diet & Environment Affect Gut Flora

Microbiome Testing

Gut bacteria are at the center of human health and vitality.  The microbial flora in your gastrointestinal tract hugely affects your metabolism and your bodyweight.   Two major factors that affect your gut microbiome are your diet and your environment. Taking control of your nutrition can drastically improve your biome.  Many people report dropping 10 lbs. through rebalancing their microbiome.  But we aren't talking about your typical diet. Making nutrition choices for a better gut microbiome is not about counting calories, it's more about counting chemicals.

Counting Chemicals

Chemicals may negatively impact your gut and set you up for uncontrolled weight gain. For example artificial sweeteners affect your microbiota, making your body more sensitive to glucose. And consuming chemical emulsifiers can lead to a condition called dysbiosis, a disruption of the balance of the microorganisms in the body. Dysbiosis may cause insulin resistance and weight gain. These states have a more significant impact on weight than consuming a few extra calories. 

And sweeteners and emulsifiers aren't the only chemicals damaging your microbiome. Pesticides like chlorpyrifos may weaken the gut lining, creating the type of inflammation that is associated with obesity and metabolic dysregulation. Aside from contributing to disease, inflammation may also contribute to noticeable bloating and water retention.

When your diet overall contains too many processed, chemical-filled foods, it tends to be low in the prebiotic and probiotic fibers that your body needs to maintain a healthy microbiome. This leads to significant gut dysbiosis, linked with an increased risk of not just weight gain but also diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease.

Microbiome and Weight

When your gut flora is unbalanced, your body will absorb more energy (calories) from the food you consume. Not only that, but the wrong gut bacteria can negatively impact how your body stores dietary fats. This can lead to weight gain.

Good gut bacteria plays an important role in producing the neurotransmitters and hormones that regulate appetite and enhance the feeling of satiety. The right bacteria can stimulate hormones that naturally suppress appetite so you feel more content and less likely to overeat. This can lead to effortless weight loss.

Your Diet And Your Gut Flora

Lose 10 lbs. With A Better Gut Microbiome

It should now be clear that your diet significantly impacts your individual microbiome. Each person's microbiome is unique, but the same principles can be used to make improvements and find balance.

Food provides not just essential nutrients, but also the building blocks for a healthy gut microbiome. What you eat shapes the composition and function of that microbiome for overall health. Consuming a diverse and fiber-rich diet of whole foods gives your body the nutrients it needs to maintain a healthy gut microbiome. Including the right probiotics and prebiotics in your diet can even help process and release some of the previously mentioned chemicals that affect your health and your weight.

Environment Affects Your Gut Flora Too?

It's not just about diet. The environment hugely impacts your gut microbiome by determining what microbes are present. The soil and water partially determine what microbes are in the food we ingest. And we don't just ingest microbes through food, but also in the water we drink and the air we breathe. We come into contact with microbes when we touch surfaces and even when we hold hands. The cleanliness of our environment and the people in our social network can impact our microbiome and our health. We'll look at this topic in more depth in Part 3 of my Lose 10 lbs. With a better Gut Microbiome Series.

Getting Started With Your Personalized Plan

Lose 10 lbs. With A Better Gut Microbiome

If you want to look and feel your best, take a close look at your environment and pay attention to your nutritional needs. Select a fiber rich diet with the right prebiotics and probiotics for you. By balancing your microbiome, you'll have fewer hurdles to weight loss and countless additional benefits.

Energy Matters, LLC. partners with Microbiome Labs to provide BiomeFx vaginal and/or stool tests to provide information about your individual microbiome, allowing for a specifically tailored program to improve your gut microbiome, your health and vitality, and your weight loss journey.  Registered users can also shop special products and protocols to rebalance your gut microbiome. Contact Rose directly for her exclusive registration code or to schedule a consultation  for personalized guidance.


What to Remember:

Microbiome imbalance may cause weight gain and inflammatory disease.

When it comes to diet, count chemicals, not calories.

Your environment impacts your microbiome too.

Your microbiome is unique, so your nutritional plan must be tailored to your specific needs.