Energy Matters, LLC. Blog

Which Vegetable Oils Are Bad for Your Health?

Which Vegetable Oils Are Bad for Your Health?

Over the last century, health professionals have encouraged us to consume oils from vegetables instead of animals as a general rule for heart health. However some vegetable oils can actually cause big health issues. So, which vegetable oils are good, and which are bad for your health?

Study Links Forever Chemicals To High Blood Pressure in Women

Study Links Forever Chemicals To High Blood Pressure in Women

A recent study has found a connection between the blood concentration of PFAS in middle aged women and the likelihood of developing high blood pressure. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, these chemicals are in practically everything and next to impossible to avoid.

How Dangerous Are Blood Transfusions?

How Dangerous Are Blood Transfusions?

While routine procedures like a blood transfusion are often assumed to be safe, there is always a risk of complications. These can range from mild to severe. They may include both immediate acute symptoms and slow to develop long-term diseases.

Sleep Deprivation Affects Everything!

Sleep Deprivation Affects Everything!

Are you getting enough sleep? Sleep is essential for your body and your brain, and not getting enough is a serious problem. The side effects of sleep deprivation can affect everything.

Does Reiki Energy Healing Work For Chronic Pain?

Does Reiki Energy Healing Work For Chronic Pain?

Chronic pain can be devastating. It steals joy and adds an excruciating challenge to everyday life. Reiki energy healing may work better for managing and eliminating chronic pain than conventional medications or therapies.

What Is Disease (or Dis-ease) From an Energetic Healing Perspective?

What Is Disease (or Dis-ease) From an Energetic Healing Perspective?

In energetic healing communities, disease is often hyphenated, giving us the term “dis-ease.” According to, “dis” is a Latin prefix that means “apart” or “away.” Thus, we can begin to look upon disease as a state of being that is apart from ease