Energy Matters, LLC. Blog
9 Thoughtful Self-Care Gifts
Lab-Grown Fake Chicken: Gross, Dangerous Or Both
Easy Eco-Friendly Gift Wrapping Ideas
Americans spend an incredible 3.2 billion dollars on gift wrap every year. This is an immense amount of waste for just a few moments of enjoyment. These eco-friendly gift-wrapping ideas are far better for the environment, our wallets, and our long-term health.
Castor Oil Packs: Give Your Body A Royal Treatment
Holistic Wellness Holiday Gift Guide
The Healing Power of Holiday Lights and Festivities
Does your heart jump with joy when you pass a twinkling light display in your neighborhood? Sources of joy are everywhere during the holiday season, and in seeking them more openly you may unlock the unexpected healing power of holiday lights and festivities. Where does this power come from?
Worried About Lead In Your Dark Chocolate?
Chocolate is a comforting indulgence known to lift moods and soothe stress. Dark chocolate in particular contains less sugar is rich in heart healthy antioxidants. But since studies found a high lead content in many brands, its reputation as the safer candy is now in dispute.
Eight Causes of Cancer You May Not Know About
When it comes to cancer prevention, some risk factors get a lot more attention than others. You surely know to avoid smoking, wear sunblock, and skip processed foods. To further protect your health, here are eight causes of cancer you may not know about.
Emotional Consequences of Organ Transplant
Push for Gene-altering Label Panics Food Producers
Could your beef or pork come from animals that were injected with untested mRNA vaccines? Find out why some producers oppose the proposed legislation that would require these foods to display a gene-altering label.