Energy Matters, LLC. Blog
Choosing Healthier Food Storage Containers
What Is The Best Non-Toxic Dishwasher Detergent?
Detergents are typically used to make things clean and safe, so there is a tendency to think of them as being clean too. But that isn’t often the case. Even the leading brands of dishwashing detergent may contain ingredients that are extremely hazardous, bleach being one of the biggest contenders. So, what is the best non toxic dishwasher detergent to use?
Is Certified Organic Good Enough For You And Your Family?
Embracing Stress As An Opportunity
Are you stressed out? Good. Here’s why… While it’s well known that too much stress can be hard on both the body and mind, a certain level of stress can be a good thing. This blog explores how to turn your stress into an opportunity.
How Can I Improve My Willpower
Is Designer Sizing Making You Feel Inadequate? - Restoring Body Positivity
Chaos In Life Is A Lesson
Let Your Will Be Whole
The Current Retrograde Storm: How It Affects You
It's All A Maze
Love The Uniqueness Of Your Neighbor
Attract The Life You Want With Positive Thinking
Every moment you are attracting energy from the universe as you set your intention for greatness or disappointment. You are what you create. There is a tremendous amount of research showing how we are writing our his-story as we go along. You design your destiny with what you create and attract. Learn how to attract the life you want through positive thinking.