Energy Matters, LLC. Blog

What Happens When A Small Organic Company Is Bought Out?

What Happens When A Small Organic Company Is Bought Out?

We’re taking a closer look at what happens when a large corporation buys one of these small organic brands. How do the products start to change in terms of health and safety?

Who Is Your Parent?

Who Is Your Parent?

Many of the wholesome niche companies we trust and enjoy have been quietly bought out by huge corporations. Once small-scale, independent brands are now owned and operated by parent companies like General Mills, Perdue, or Coco-Cola. Find out how these deals could affect your health--and which brands are on our watch list.

Spending Time In Nature Reduces Stress!

Spending Time In Nature Reduces Stress!

Feeling stressed? The solution you need could be right outside—literally. A study recently published in Mind, a quarterly peer-reviewed journal, found that 95% of participants experienced mood improvements after spending time in nature. Energy Matters, LLC. explores how this works and why.

Identifying The 15 Most Common Counterfeit Foods

Identifying The 15 Most Common Counterfeit Foods

When someone mentions the term counterfeit, you might first think about money, shoes, or purses. But what about food? Fake food is more common than you realize, and it could be harmful to your health. For your safety, Energy Matters, LLC. has compiled a list of the 15 most common counterfeit foods. 

Is Black Pepper A Natural Blood Cleanser?

Is Black Pepper A Natural Blood Cleanser?

Your blood plays the important role of carrying vital oxygen and nutrients throughout your body. It nurtures cellular health while also eliminating waste and contaminates. Cleansing these toxins from your blood is essential to keeping your body healthy and preventing disease. There are many substances that encourage blood purification. One of our favorites is likely already in your kitchen cupboard— black pepper.

Is Nail Polish Damaging Your Health?

Is Nail Polish Damaging Your Health?

Painting your nails can be a fun form of self-expression, but is it worth the health risk? Nail polish and nail polish remover both contain toxic chemicals that are absorbed through the nailbed and into your bloodstream, potentially damaging organs such as the kidneys or liver. Uncover all the potential health risks in this blog.

What’s the Difference Between Organic and Chemical-Free?

What’s the Difference Between Organic and Chemical-Free?

Organic and Chemical-Free seem synonymous, but this isn’t always the case. Labels can be misleading, and sometimes we forget to look past the organic certification. It's best to choose foods and products that are both organic and chemical-free. Let’s find out why.

DIY Healing: Strategies For Calming Anxiety

DIY Healing: Strategies For Calming Anxiety

Anxiety may refer to a combination of worried thoughts and physical changes such as increased heart rate, upset stomach, shaking, tension, or insomnia. Stress, such as that caused by anxiety, can affect our energy and our health. Continuing our series of DIY Healing guides, this blog offers strategies for calming anxiety.

DIY Healing: Reiki For Beginners

DIY Healing: Reiki For Beginners

Life is guided by one universal source of energy or life force. When this energy flows freely, we feel better and experience good health. When it stagnates, we develop dis-ease. Reiki may be used to identify and release subtle blockages. This introduction shares how to begin to practice this type of healing for yourself.

Embracing Change For Spiritual Growth

Embracing Change For Spiritual Growth

Embracing change during uncertain times can lead to spiritual growth and unexpected opportunities. Moving from the familiar to the unfamiliar sometimes feels like stripping away a security blanket. But without change, there is no growth. Without chaos, there is no path to a higher resonance.

Is Gratefulness the Key To Happiness?

Is Gratefulness the Key To Happiness?

Gratefulness is a powerful key that unlocks happiness. Practicing more gratitude every day can change how we feel about ourselves as well as the people and the world around us. The reason this works is explained by the vibrations of the universe. 

Prayer Raises Your Immune System

Prayer Raises Your Immune System

Research shows that prayer and meditation may have a significant and positive impact on your immune system. In a time of uncertainty amid the spreading pandemic, prayer may be more beneficial than ever. In this blog, we share how praise may raise your immune system and protect against the virus