With many of us sequestered at home, there has been a surge of interest in do-it-yourself healing modalities. There are many things we can do to heal ourselves physically, emotionally, and spiritually. One popular healing tradition is Reiki. For over a hundred years, Reiki practitioners have embraced one simple principle: All of life is guided by the same universal source of life force. The flow of this energy affects our holistic wellbeing.
Reiki founder Mikao Usui, a Japanese Buddhist, recognized that when this energy flows freely, we feel better and experience good physical health. However, when the energy becomes stagnant, we develop unserving patterns and sometimes even chronic health conditions. The source of these blockages is typically traced to unresolved trauma, stressful conditions, or a negative mindset.
A skilled Reiki Master may intuitively locate and release these subtle blockages. With a little training and careful practice, you can also begin to foster this type of healing for yourself.
Each reiki session should begin by activating the energy within. To do this, close your eyes and breathe deeply. Visualize a stream of white light flowing from the top of your head and down to your heart. Watch it stream outward, down your arms, and radiating out from your palms. See yourself as a healing vessel and set your intention to receive healing where it is needed most.
To facilitate this healing, many practitioners also use Reiki Crystals during a session. These might be held in your hand, placed on your body, or even around the room. Be sure to research the variety of crystal you intend to use, and clear them often.
Energy blockages often come from anxiety or stress. When we hold in this tension, we also tend to hold our breath. This makes us feel more uncomfortable, sometimes resulting in headaches or dizziness. Set an intention of letting go of this tension and any patterns that no longer serve you. Position your arms over your shoulders and hold them there, breathing deeply and focusing on your intention for ten or fifteen minutes. Visualize the white healing light filling your entire body. Exhale away all that stress, feel the blockage open as the free flow of energy is restored.
Each reiki session should close with gratitude. To close the session, take a step back and place your hands in prayer. Thank the Universe for sharing this healing energy.
Then move your arms in front of your body, creating a large circle, before crossing your arms to physically close the energetic connection.
Note that this blog is just a brief introduction for beginners interested in practicing Reiki to heal themselves. For more in-depth information, check out Energy Matters, LLC.'s ebook, Reiki Level I: A Manual For Self-Healing.
If youwish to receive a guided reiki session, schedule a phone consultation with Rose. She is an experienced USUI Reiki Master Teacher.
What To Remember:All of life is guided by the same life force energy.When this energy flow stagnates or becomes blocked, we feel unwell.Use Reiki to heal yourself at home by identifying and releasing blockages.
Newman, Tim. (September, 2017). Everything You Need To Know About Reiki. MedicalNewsToday.com
Dimancea, Vlad. (April, 2022). Reiki For Beginners: A Complete Introductory Guide. ReikiScoop.com.
Rand, William. What Is Possible For A Reiki Master? Reiki.org.
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A healer's power stems not from any special ability, but from maintaining the courage and awareness to embody and express the universal healing power that every human being naturally possesses.”
― Eric Micha'el Leventhal