
To Improve Your Energy... 
Rose recommends these Holistic Health Professionals & Products.

VitaJuwel Via Bottles for Energized WaterVitaJuwel ViA Water Bottle
Discover elegant glassware and gemstone filled pods or wands to infuse your water with natural goodness. VitaJuwel’s ViA bottles bring you water in its most precious form, infusing the energetic qualities of gemstones. Choose from formulas such as Wellness, Beauty, Fitness, and many more.

  Himalayan Salt LampLevoit Himalayan Salt Lamps            
Hand-carved lamps made from natural pink Himalayan salt may provide better sleep, improve your mood, purify the air, and allow easier breathing. By removing positive ions from the air, they cleanse your space and allow more beneficial negative ions to do their work. Get yours now to begin seeing amazing results.


Superfood CookbookAlissa Grey's Cookbook

The Superfood Cookbook allows you to cleanse, detox, and/or lose weight without feeling deprived. This book takes the guesswork out of eating right by bringing you wholesome recipes with the right balance of essential fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and proteins. It’s the perfect equation for improving your health.


 Autism Parenting Magazine

Autism Parenting Magazine is the leading magazine for parents of autistic children as well as professionals seeking to work with children on the spectrum. Established in 2012, the focus is on objectively publishing autism-related topics, events, developments, treatments and news stories. They also cover inspiring real-life stories to help parents make informed decisions and keep them updated on the latest therapeutic and treatment options.


VitaMix Blender BestVitamix 

As one of the most trusted and well-known brands, the Vitamix blender is perfect for juicing or blending fresh, organic fruits and vegetables. Juicing or blending allows you to consume concentrated nutrients in smaller, more manageable servings, making it easier than ever to get all the essential vitamins and minerals your body craves.



Organic Nut Milk BagEllie's Best

The BIGGER Better Nut Milk Bag comes in a large 12"x12" size that is easy to use.  Make your own almond milk, or as an all-purpose food strainer. The fine mesh gets the job done without any unwanted dyes or chemicals.

Grounding Pillow CaseEarth Connection Grounding Pillowcase
This Grounding Pillowcase has silver threads. Paired with the ground of a normal outlet, the pillow may help release unserving energy that you have picked up from the environment. This grounding effect may improve sleep patterns, reduce stress, and soothe muscle aches.






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Click Here to order a BrainSpan Home Health Test Kit direct from Energy Matters, LLC.


 Stink! Documentary Exposes Chemical Cancer in Products


Yoni Steaming: An Ancient Treatment Encouraged By Traditional Healers

Visit this blog to learn more about Yoni Steaming and find out what stool Energy Matters, LLC. recommends. 


Check out this blog to learn more or order collagen beauty water.